How to train with TFC?

TFC Guide and Training Plan


A) How to train with the Drawing Course?
B) How to train with Drawing Step by Step?
C) How to train with the special Packs?

How to train with the Drawing Course?

This training plan applies to any lesson in the Drawing Course or any Special Pack

👉 Every lesson in the TFC Drawing Course consists of two things: A Theoretical book and a Practical book (Workbook).

Let's organize the elements before we start:

Before starting the theory it is important that you prepare the elements and then start your practice.

For that, do the following:


Enter the Workbook corresponding to the Lesson you want to study.


Download all Training Sheets and then print (at least) 3 copies of each worksheet

💡 Tip: Always keep one of those blank sheets as an original. In case you decide later to make more copies to reinforce a particular exercise. 


If your Workbook has 20 sheets, you will have at least 60 exercise sheets, ready to draw on.


Save these sheets in a folder with a label that has a title corresponding to the lesson. Example: "Drawing Course / Lesson 1 / Exercises."

Distribute your days and times of study, using the grid that we provide and that you can download and print: Grid - Empty - EN

💡 Tip: Here is a fictitious example of how to set up a grid for an ORGANIZED TRAINING PLAN with its topics, days and times. Use it as a reference: Grid - Written - EN

Once you've made your own schedule grid, start practicing. Study the theory first and then draw on the "training sheets", guided by sheet No. 1 of the Workbook, which tells you the ideal process for performing the exercises, using the "Trial, Error and Correction" method.    

Don't skip sheets, practice according to the order they come in the Workbook.


Spend at least two hours a day doing these exercises.

When you have finished the exercises in the Workbook for one lesson, you will have made a total of approximately 200 to 400 practice drawings!
Start practicing today! 💪
💡 Tip: We suggest that you make 3 copies for each worksheet, but if you want your practice to be more intense and profitable, you can print 4 or even 5 sheets for each worksheet.     

We do not recommend more than 5 sheets of each, because it is necessary to move on to other new topics as you gain confidence and fluency in the line.


When you train with the different lessons and packs that you have in your membership you will have achieved...

  • With 1 Pack or Lesson completed: Approximately 400 practice drawings made!
  • With 2 Pack or Lesson completed: Approximately 800 practice drawings made!
  • With 3 Pack or Lesson completed: Approximately 1200 practice drawings made!
🤔 Now, stop and think about this seriously:  

Having completed all the exercises in packs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Drawing Course you will have in your training curriculum more than 1600 drawings made as an exercise, with this your brain will be prepared to undertake greater challenges and reach another artistic level. These are steps that lead you to achieve your goals.

Your brain is no longer the same! It's that simple... Now you have new neural connections between the ideas in your head and the correct execution with your hands! That's what will make you a great Artist!  💯

And this is also called training in an orderly, progressive and professionally-minded manner...  AND YOU'VE ONLY JUST STARTED! 

This is the method you should use to practice with the Course lessons or with the Special Packs. Keep in mind that from Pack 4 onwards, the level of the course advances from Beginner to Intermediate, and therefore the demands on the exercises will be greater.   

Here you have a blank grid to download and set up your own training plan, according to your free days and hours. 

Set up your work plan and you will have 80% of the success guaranteed, because: focus, constancy and practice is what gives the incredible results! Now... let's draw! 💪😀

💡 Tip: Remember that every month you will receive a new lesson and a training workbook. This is mainly because we recommend a minimum of one month of practice for each topic taught in a lesson. To advance before that is to create an unstable structure for the knowledge you will acquire in the future. 

Bruce Lee said: "I don't fear the man who's thrown 10,000 different kicks, I fear the man who's thrown the same kick 10,000 times.

How to train with Drawing Step by Step?

Our advice is to start studying and practicing with these contents only when you have reached the third month of training that you do with the lessons of the "Drawing Course" (Unless you already have basic drawing knowledge!)
Do not leave the course lessons aside to exercise with the different "Packs" of study and training, the "Drawing step by step", etc.  Do it simultaneously
Divide the time, you can allocate one hour for the course and the remaining hour for a particular pack.  Always keep order, it is very important! 

Choose the pack according to your criteria, always starting with those topics that are easiest for you. 
💡 Tip: You'll get a new one every week! The Drawing Step by Step is your entertainment space... try it and have fun! Here you will have different levels of difficulty, it is a more relaxed type of training... so don't be afraid to experiment to start implementing the knowledge you are acquiring in the Drawing Course.  

How to train with the Special Packs?

👉 Every Special Pack in TFC consists of two things: A Theoretical book and a Practical book (Workbook).
As with the "Drawing Step by Step" our advice is that you start studying and practicing with these contents only when you have reached the third month of training you do with the "Drawing Course" lessons (Unless you already have basic drawing knowledge!)
Do not leave the course lessons aside to exercise with the different "Packs" of study and training.  Do it simultaneously
Divide the time, you can allocate one hour for the course and the remaining hour for a particular pack. Always keep order, it is very important! 
Choose the pack according to your criteria, always starting with those topics that are easiest for you. 
The Special Packs will be useful for those aspects that you want to perfect, either because it is a "weak" point that you want to attend to in greater depth in your learning, or just the opposite because it is an aspect of drawing that you are particularly passionate about and want to know more about "How to draw monsters, how to create characters". Specializations that escape from the main topics. As we commented in another section, these packs are optional and serve as a specialization. 
To make parallelism and to understand it easily... it's like when you study in a university career and when you graduate you do specialization in a postgraduate course. Everyone must do the career to receive (Drawing Course), but only some, those who wish can access different postgraduate optionally and separately (Special Packs).
The methodology of practice and training is similar to that of the Drawing Course. You can check it here again.
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