How long is the course?

Training For Comics is not a typical drawing course, it is a training platform for cartoonists, which not only teaches the classic of a drawing course, but also provides advanced practice tools in different techniques. It's like a "gym" for cartoonists. 💪
So we will have members who are only one year, others who are more than 3, or the vast majority who are more than 5 years active and remain so thanks to the low annual cost we provide, which gives them constant access to new platform updates to keep training throughout their lives with the best tools that a lover of illustration can have.
👉 Now, if your question is: How long will it take me to learn to draw with TFC?
Generally if you apply our method, in about 6 months you should already see a radical change and great progress. 💯
Of course this always depends on the amount of effort and dedication that the person invests in the program. But it is undoubtedly the method that offers the fastest results. 
Start today and when you least expect it, you will notice the difference in your artistic quality! 💪
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